What an amazing day!
Thank you to everyone who came along to support this event & helped us celebrate our 5th Anniversary in style. The day was pretty special as we had the fabulous Maggie G join us.
The day kick started at 2pm with a few social dances before Maggie took to the stage during the workshop to teach us some fab new dances. Maggie started us of nice an easy with a fabulous Beginner dance co-written with Gary O'Riley called Bring On The Good Times to a track of the same name from Lisa McHugh. It's an upbeat Irish Country piece of music that, by the time you get to the end of the dance you find yourself singing along to it.
I then gave a quick teach of another dance by Maggie & Gary called Boogaloo .... a class favourite of ours.
Maggie then went on to teach us 3 more dances in between some social dancing. Below are the dances taught:
Hey Boy, Hey Girl - A 28 count Improver Level dance to a track by the Jive Aces. A small dance that keeps us on our toes with a brilliant jove feel to it.
Corazon Diamante - A 48 count 2 wall Intermediate dance. In my opinion this was the dance of the day. Maggie gave a brilliant teach of this dance that kept everyone on the floor and left us wanting to dance it again and again. We don't worry about the 2 re-starts as the music is by Enrique Inglesias ...... and we love a bit of Enrique!!
The final dance taught was Stand By You. An Advanced level dance to a track of the same name by Rachel Platten. With 60 counts and 3 re-starts, it certainly keeps the olde grey matter working but sooooo worth giving it a go.
Maggie was just brilliant with teaching something for all levels and kept us well entertained all day. Thank you so much Maggie for spending the day with us!!
We then had a hour break, grabbing us a bite to eat before the evening party started. Maggie was still with us and gave us brief re-caps of the dances that she taught in the day. We danced our socks off to 10:30pm to all our favourite dances.
I would like to say a couple of special thank you's -
First of all to all Boogie Shoes Dancers that have kept the club going from strength to strength, from supporting classes, socials and dance weekends away. I love you all ....... you all sure know how to party!!
Our visitors that traveled from a far to be with us (Bournemouth, Wales, Shropshire & The Forest) - I have so many to mention but you all know who you are.
Johnny - He is a good one, isn't he?? Keeping you all happy with table goodies topped up and seeing to all your needs. Plus keeping me grounded. He is a star! ..... He would say the boss!
Jane & June - for your help getting everyone in and the clean up at the end.
Julie Rudge - Our in house photographer!! Julie takes time out of her night to capture some very special moments. I am sure at various socials and events you have met Julie with her trusty selfie stick. If you haven't look out for her and give her a smile!!
Lynne Williams - I can only echo what I said on the day. I thank Lynne for 5 years ago handing me the Berkeley Class as this was just the start of Boogie Shoes. She has stood by me for the 5 years and supports us all in everything we do. Lynne runs her own business Natures Kitchen to which supplied us all with those fabulous cup cakes on the day!!
This past 5 years have just flown by and really does prove the point that time flies by when you are having fun ...... as that is just what we do ...... HAVE FUN!!!
Here is to the next 5 years and to making more special memories.
Love to all & keep dancing!!
Jamie. xx
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